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Undoubtedly, the Mandaya have one of the richest cultural heritage among ethnic groups. They are very close to their families. Christianized Mandaya still retain some of the past beliefs creating a syncretic form of religion. Undoubtedly, the Mandaya have one of the richest cultural heritage among ethnic groups. They are very close to their families. Christianized Mandaya still retain some of the past beliefs creating a syncretic form of religion. Mandaya also has an array of musical rendition. Instruments like kudlong, a two-stringed zither with only one string with frets, deliver music with historical, eventful, and important meanings. Kudlong is played before hunting, staging the deadly pangayao (vendetta killing) or farming. It could also be for simply entertainment. One popular instrument also is the gimball or gimbao, a large drum made using deer hide from a doe on one side and from a stag on the other side to produce different tone and pitch.

Sword use for food hunting.
Dress that they use.
Golok Katagalogan.
Tactical Ginunting.
The Tie-Dyed Abaca Fiber.